
Contractor & Resourcing Services

We work with you to deliver the best candidate fit and successful outcomes for your organisation.

Successful project delivery starts with ensuring the right resourcing decisions are made upfront. The investment in digital transformation is driving an increasing demand for technical specialists and professional services in an already competitive market.

Many organisations under-appreciate the true cost of making the wrong hiring decisions - and the business impact to their projects, deadlines, the bottom line and even reputation.

Given the limited availability of good talent, organisations often take risks when building a project team if they don’t consider working style and contractor fit. 

Research has identified that the true costs of a single bad hire exceeds $50,000.
Source: Career Builder 

Engaging with the right partner is key to a successful hire.
Our team focuses on timely delivery without compromise, with an excellent understanding of the IT market given our experience and tenure in that space. We make the provisioning of contracting IT resourcing seamless to ensure a successful outcome.

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Introducing Fronde Fulfil

Price range and online assessment details
Price range and online assessment details
Price range and online assessment details
Price range and online assessment details