The Ministry of Education can now track the movement of school students in real-time using Fronde’s student enrolment management system.
The Ministry of Education can now track the movement of school students in real-time using Fronde’s student enrolment management system, ENROL.
The Ministry of Education is responsible for ensuring all children of compulsory school age (6-16 years) are receiving an education. Schools are required by law to keep a record of all their students, and must also verify the age of the child and if they are entitled to free education. Enrolment information needs to be passed on to the next school of enrolment.
The old paper-based system required schools to post forms to the Ministry for manual processing - there was no real-time view of student enrolments. The information was often incorrect and the length of time between notification of non-enrolment to resolution often exceeded the statutory requirement. The manual system made it difficult to identify children who had fallen through the cracks and were not at school.
Fronde delivered the Ministry a new web-based ENROL system which allows schools to update enrolment information themselves in real-time. The solution has delivered immediate results by reducing costs and lessening the compliance burden on schools; and most importantly - identifying children who have fallen through the cracks and are not receiving an education.
ENROL has revolutionised the Ministry's ability to identify who is receiving an education.
School administrators can log on directly to a central electronic enrolment register and keep records up to date.
- The Ministry is able to produce a myriad of additional reports not previously available.
- By the end of 2007, all primary schools were integrated into the system, meaning all children of compulsory school age in New Zealand's 2600 schools are now included in ENROL.
- ENROL is expected to save the Ministry up to $2 million a year.
*These case studies are from our archives. Exact publish dates are not known.